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The Club is now in it's 83rd year, in 2025. Until the start of 2012 it was known as Slimbridge Horticultural Society, it has been over twelve years since it changed to Slimbridge Gardening Club. It started life as The Slimbridge Home Food Production Club - formed about 1942 as part of the Dig for Victory campaign. From their earliest days, they had an annual produce show. Nowadays, we have two shows each year - one in early April with the emphasis on Spring flowers and a Summer Show in late August with a full range of vegetable, flower, flower arranging, cookery and photography classes. We are particularly keen on encouraging our younger members and both shows have children's gardening and handicraft sections with cash prizes and cups.
Meetings are usually with a guest speaker, held on the second Tuesday of the month from September through to May at the Village Hall from 7:30pm. (Opposite the Church) Visitors are most welcome, there is a visitor's charge of £4 which includes light refreshments which are free to all. Full membership is £15 per person or £20 per household, per year.
In late May we hold a members' plant sale open to the public at 10:00am. No entry charge but come early to snap up the bargains. We also run a coach trip in June or July.
Other benefits of membership include substantial discounts from local garden centres and shops and on Suttons and Marshalls seeds, potatoes, onion sets etc. All information should be correct.
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All about the club, how, when it started where it's going. What's coming up, meetings, trips, shows. Photos, AGM minutes and Reports on old events. Club Rules and Constitution. Useful links Page. Our popular Out-Now photos page is back this time on FaceBook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/sgc.outnow/
We are now also accepting Videos, join the group and add your photos or Videos.Feb 11th - Caroline White, Abbey Meadow Flowers: "Celebrating life through flowers".
Our FaceBook page - https://www.facebook.com/SlimbridgeGardeningClub
Latest Club News
Feb 11th - Caroline White, Abbey Meadow Flowers: "Celebrating life through flowers".
Don't forget Membership has now increased to £15 per person and £20 per household On TV Gardener's World Friday evenings, BBC2 and repeated Sunday Mornings.
Beechgrove Garden Thursday evenings, BBC Scotland(iplayer) and Friday night and Sunday mornings on BBC2.
Both are available on the BBC iplayer.Dursley
Pet ShopDursley Pet Shop, 17 Parsonage Street, will give a 10% discount on all garden Product as well as bird food and related items on producing your membership card at the till. or type the address below to email us.
All information should be correct. If there is anything you know is wrong or have any comments about the site please email us.
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